I’m the author of Kids: The Manual, and over the past 12 years I’ve helped more than 57,000 parents like you solve their biggest parenting challenges. I’m probably best-known as the creator of “The Sleep Sense Program,” which is the Internet’s #1 best-selling resource for solving children’s sleeping problems, “The Food Sense Program,” a step-by-step guide for the parents of picky eaters, “No-Sweat Potty Training“, a guide to getting your child potty trained quickly, and “Solve Your Sleep” a resource for adults with sleep challenges.
Would You Change THIS About Your Child? Is there ONE thing your child does that drives you up the wall? Maybe it’s rudeness… Maybe it’s pouting… Maybe it’s getting into fights with a sibling or other kids at the park. Now don’t get me wrong: I know we all love and adore our children, and…
I’m not sure when the phrase, “Go to your room,” was first used by a frustrated parent, but I would guess it was probably about 15 minutes after the first kids’ bedroom was built. The suggestions we hear on raising our kids these days seems to change about as often as the weather, but the…
Can you do me a favor? Take a look at the title of this blog post. Does it sound familiar? Like something you’d say to yourself? As parents we’re often frustrated with things like fighting, crying, and whining. We’d LOVE to stop these behaviors, but it seems like everything you try simply doesn’t work. So……
Hands up if your toddler has ever thrown a screaming fit in the grocery store because you wouldn’t buy gummy bears, or at the park because it was time to go, or at home because you couldn’t find the rainbow socks for her to wear to preschool. All of you? That’s what I thought. Tantrums…
Now before I tell you what this parenting no-no is, I want to preface it by saying that I understand that kids can be incredibly frustrating. We may not like to admit it to our friends at the Mommy and Me playgroup, but parenting isn’t all sunshine and rainbows and sticky lollipop kisses. Sometimes it’s…
Nobody wants to admit their own kid is a brat. But you know how when you’re at the grocery store and you see that whiny kid screaming at her mom that she wants a Kit-Kat bar or you’re at the toy store and there’s a little boy throwing boxes of Lego off the shelves because…
I had a friend who was a therapist and he once said to me that the best way to keep your sanity when you’re shopping with your kids is to remember one simple thing. You’re shopping with your KIDS! So that means being mindful and realistic about what you are going to accomplish! We’ve all…
Most of us have experienced trying to talk to a child and receiving either no response at all or a one-word answer. Honestly, once our kids hit adolescence it can be hard to pry a conversation out of them at all. When we ask how their day went, they often just say the dreaded, “fine.”…